THE BALANCE PROJECT | No. 161: Latham Thomas, Entrepreneur, Doula, Founder of Mama Glow

I believe you can have it all, you just need to know what it “all” is. What is it that you truly want? I don’t think happiness is underrated, but “being realistic” is overrated. I don’t want anyone to tell me what’s possible or damper my dreams or drown my aspirations by their limited experience or lack of faith. Being realistic is often times an excuse for people to play small and avoid taking the risks that would propel them forward in personal growth. It’s all about figuring out what you truly want, not what you think people want for you, but what your soul truly desires—what is it?


THE BALANCE PROJECT | No. 155: Jenné Claiborne, Vegan Chef

I think “having it all” is a mindset. I feel wealthy, successful, loved, and healthy when I am living from gratitude. However, when I start to think of all of the things I still want, I definitely don’t feel like I have it all. It’s all a matter of perspective, and the grass is always greener on the other side.


THE BALANCE PROJECT | No. 121: Georgene Huang, Founder of Fairygodboss

Small adjustments happen all the time because balance is not a static state (of mind). Balance depends on what needs and demands you and others around you are placing on yourself at any given time. Sometimes there are very large adjustments, e.g. when you start a company or have a baby. But sometimes the adjustments are literally seasonal. For example, think about how balance looks/feels during the Christmas season. Just thinking about it makes me feel a bit tired.


THE BALANCE PROJECT | No. 112: Sara Blakely, Founder of SPANX

I was at a cocktail party and told a group of people that I had a life motto I live by. However, when someone asked me what it was, I forgot it. My husband thought that was so hilarious he actually had a neon sign made and installed in our house while I was away. It says… “I have a life motto, but I forgot it.” My motto (that I eventually remembered) is: “The more you experience in life the more you have to offer others.”

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